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Foundation for the Contemporary Family


Judith Z Anderson, PhD

Founder and President , Foundation for the Contemporary Family
Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
University of California, Irvine

Founded in 2000 by Dr. Judith Zucker Anderson, the Foundation for the Contemporary Family is dedicated to supporting innovations in clinical training and research in couples and family therapy as well as creative intervention programs.

The Foundation for the Contemporary Family was originally created by a generous donation from a man who felt he had been able to significantly transform his life as a result of effective couples and family therapy. He chose to express his immeasurable gratitude by anonymously funding a foundation to be developed by his former therapist. His intention was to facilitate ways for other families to receive the powerful benefits of the best treatment available as well as to prevent problems through effective parent education, innovative clinical research and creative intervention programs. We are so grateful for his incredible contribution and acknowledgement of the impact on a person’s life of having close, fulfilling relationships.

At its inception, the Foundation wanted to create an ongoing format where mental health professionals in Southern California could receive high-caliber clinical training in the best therapy models and current research available for couples and families in order to stay up to date with evolving trends in relationship science. FFCF collaborated with the UC Irvine Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior to develop a home for these ongoing programs presenting the vast array of evolving issues involved in contemporary relationships..


The fundamental questions we are always asking are:


  •  In what significant ways have couple and family relationship structures changed in this new century?

  • What new information from 21st century scientific research and practice is available that can facilitate the process of relationship development and repair?

  • How can clinicians best help couples and families who are having difficulty making and maintaining connections?

  • What are the most effective treatment models that can aid people in sustaining intimacy and enhancing growth over time?


The Anatomy of Intimacy series of workshops and conferences explores contemporary relationships through the interdisciplinary lens of couples therapy, attachment theory, family therapy, affective neuroscience, as well as cultural, ethnic and gender diversity. Each program chooses a main theme and engages the best and brightest clinicians and researchers in the world to present their work and dialogue with each other. Over the years, the series has become a highly regarded and popular recurring gathering event where mental health professionals have come to expect to learn from the Masters in the field in a stimulating, collegial environment.



Contact us for more information about our programs:

15615 Alton Parkway, Suite 220
Irvine, California, 92618-3307
Phone: 949–464–0131

UCI Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior



The mission of the Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior is to deliver leading-edge research, to provide expert and compassionate clinical care and to educate the next generation of psychiatry professionals. In support of offering high caliber continuing education for the broader community of mental health professionals in Southern California, the Department has enthusiastically co-sponsored the excellent Anatomy of Intimacy workshops and conferences for more than eighteen years.


  • Research: The Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior is home to a unique, world-class group of scientists and physicians who conduct patient-oriented basic science and applied research to address major psychiatric disorders. This internationally recognized team of investigators includes basic and clinical scientists who have helped place UC Irvine School of Medicine in the top echelon of U.S. institutions. Our portfolio of research studies, projects and programs is vast, including fundamental research efforts and translational programs. This research encompasses many areas in the psychopathology and psychopharmacology of neuropsychiatric disorders.

  • Clinical: Dedicated to providing expert and compassionate patient care, UC Irvine Health Psychiatry Services offers a full spectrum of comprehensive mental health services for children and adults, including inpatient hospitalization as well as outpatient and emergency psychiatry. Patients are cared for by a multidisciplinary team of psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, nurses, occupational therapists, recreational therapists, music therapists, a neuropsychiatric pharmacist and psychiatric technicians. Our psychiatric inpatient programs focus on rapid, intensive patient assessment and diagnosis. Treatment involves collaboration between the treatment team, the patient and the patient's family.

  • Education: UC Irvine School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry Residency Training Program provides a comprehensive education and clinical experience in an environment with flexibility for individualized training. The residents and fellows are trained to excel in patient care with a full understanding of the biological, psychological, social and cultural factors that influence mental illness and treatment. Our program offers first-rate training in biological psychiatry and psychopharmacology. We balance this with excellent training in a wide range of psychotherapeutic modalities, aided by our affiliation with the New Center for Psychoanalysis and the expertise of our clinical and volunteer faculty. The department trains residents in general psychiatry and advanced fellows in child psychiatry.


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